Start a Korean Flashcard Session |
This is intended for use by members of Moosong's Korean class. Anyone else can use it. Feel free! |
You will be presented with a series of words and phrases in Korean and English. Try to think of the translation, and then press the "Got the Answer?" buttton. You will then see the answer or answers. Decide whether you answered correctly and press the "I Was Right" or "I Was Wrong" button. You will be asked the same questions over an over. When you have answered a question correctly the number of times that you entered in the "Repetitions" box, that question will be dropped form the list. Try to keep going until you've answered them all! This is a learning tool, not a test. If you just can't think of an answer, press the "Got the Answer?" button, read the answer, learn it, and press the "I Was Wrong" button. Press the "Don't Ask This One Again" button if you have the term down pat and do not want to see the question again. |
Review the Vocabulary List first, or the lists of Dates and Times and Numbers |